Sunday, November 28, 2010

How to Erase Wrinkles and Reduce Fat -- Three Daily Drinks

Copyright 2010 Jennifer Jianjun Wang

Many people have skin and weight problems. Wrinkles, acne and dull skin are some of the problems. Excess body fat is another problem.

We recommend two daily drinks that will leave your skin soft and youthful and help fat reduction at the same time.

# 1, Water

You may have heard that 70% of our cells are made up of water. Lots of fresh, clear water is necessary everyday to balance the nutrients and flush out toxins in your body. This is necessary for your body to function properly.

Water dissolves minerals and vitamins, then carries the nutrients into cells, and finally flushes out the toxins out of the cells. This will result in clear, smooth skin and less fat in the body.

Aim for 8 glasses each day and more on the days you do exercise. You can’t afford to drink less than the required amount. Plenty of water is imperative if you want to have healthy, beautiful smooth skin and successfully reduce fat.

# 2, Green Tea

Green tea has a long tradition in China and Japan. In recent years, green tea has received much attention from Western science because of its enormous health benefits.

Green tea is known for lowering cholesterol and reducing fat as well as eliminating toxins in the body. As a result of long term and daily intake, the skin is smooth, clear and free from acne problems. Fat is reduced and wrinkles are erased. Green tea is claimed to slow down the aging process.

It is important that you drink tea that is green in colour, an hour or so after a meal. How much should you drink? It is enough to have just 1 or 2 cups from a pot/cup without changing tea leaves.

Do not drink the tea once its colour changes to brown. This is usually caused by two things; either the water temperature is too high or the tea is too old. So you will need to make sure you let your boiling water cool down to 80 degrees or use 80% hot water + 20% cold water and then pour it over the tea leaves. You will also need to make sure your tea is new season and fresh, and stored properly in the fridge or freezer.

Water and green tea are the two daily drinks that are essential for good skin and reducing fat with the added benefit of good health. Begin this now. Don’t wait till next year as your New Year Resolution. Begin it before Christmas and New Year so you send a strong signal to your subconscious mind that you’re done with procrastination.

There is one more ‘daily drink’ that not only enhances the benefits of water and green tea, it is also long recognised as an essential part of health and beautiful skin. In fact it is believed to be more powerful than water and green tea by both Eastern and Western health philosophers. It is known as the ‘Emotional Drink’.

#3, Emotional Drink

There is such a thing as a ‘Beauty Emotional Drink’ or ‘Health Emotional Drink’. The Fountain of Youth is a metaphor for emotions that keep you staying youthful, healthy, vibrant and attractive as you grow older. It is a metaphor that slows down the aging process. Daily serves of the ‘Emotional Drink’ or Fountain of Youth will help you stay supple, maintain a healthy weight and enjoy beautiful skin. Your skin will feel soft and supple. Your body will look light and youthful. You will sound and look more attractive.

This is a specific technique. It is a simple thought process that only takes a couple of minutes but it needs to be done correctly. We know how to help you correctly create your ‘Emotional Drink’ for beautiful, clear smooth skin, good health and a healthy body.

All you need is a few sessions with us. We’ll be able to help you neuro-linguistically program your mind and help you embed all the important elements in your subconscious mind. You’ll be set up for life. You’ll realise you don’t need to chase or do all the things that are just the ‘outer’ stuff. Instead, you’ll feel confident that you’ve got the ‘inner’ essentials that give you the magnificent ‘outer’.

If you like the sound and feel of having your own daily ‘Emotional Drink’ or Fountain of Youth, contact Jennifer Jianjun, and see for yourself how you will begin to feel more confident about taking charge of your aging and weight problems. You’ll experience for yourself how great you will feel. You will be relieved that you’ve made the right investment.

Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)
p.s. To find out more about our coaching services, visit now.
p.p.s. To begin your daily powerful ‘Emotional Drink’, email or ring Jennifer Jianjun on 0439 981 288.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off – Three Major Mistakes You Must Avoid and Three Things You Must Do

Copyright 2010 Jennifer Jianjun Wang

Do you have trouble losing weight?
Do you lose weight only to put it back on again?
Do you lack confidence about how you look?
Do you feel frustrated and disappointed with yourself?
Do you feel you’ve failed in this aspect of your life?

If you can relate to any of the above, then the chances are that you have not addressed the fundamental issues when it comes to ‘losing weight’. You have probably put your time, energy and focus on the wrong things. You probably don’t know how to change what is in your subconscious mind to support you and your goals.

The Three Major Mistakes to Avoid

There are three major mistakes that you must avoid if you wish to overcome your weight problems.

Mistake #1 Thinking It’s about Losing Weight
Mistake #2 Thinking It’s About Diets and Exercise
Mistake #3 Thinking It’s About What You Do

Some of you reading this may think, ‘How can these be mistakes! They are exactly what I do.’

Let me explain in more detail.

Mistake #1 Thinking It’s About Losing Weight

Let’s say you carry excess weight. You think you should or must lose weight. You think it’s about losing weight.

Some people think and speak about ‘losing weight’ all the time. But this is a huge mistake.

Losing weight is an action that is predominantly motivated by negative feelings. In cultures that honour health more than weight this concept is difficult for people to grasp. In coaching, it is considered as an ‘away’ action from what you wish to achieve. It is the opposite of a ‘toward’ action. ‘Toward’ is a term that describes a value-driven concept that determines decisions and actions. Such values, decisions and actions honour life, health, growth and fulfilment.

Losing weight is an ‘away’ and negative action. The underlining beliefs would be negative too, like frustration, embarrassment, low self esteem, shame or self loathing. And the more time and effort you put into an ‘away’ motivated action, the further you would be from the actual thing you want.

Essentially when you try to lose weight, your focus is on something you don’t want, which is the excess weight. You send a very powerful message to your subconscious mind. In essence it says excess weight, embarrassment, frustration, low self esteem, shame, and self loathing. The subconscious mind is pure power without direction. Any message or deep beliefs it receives from you on a consistent basis, it goes out to seek evidence.

Another huge mistake you make with your subconscious mind is that you tell it to lose. The subconscious mind has a habit of getting back anything it loses. It prefers a healthy gain rather than a negative loss. Any weight you lose, the subconscious mind is quietly determined to get it back. Before you know it, your weight is back on.

Mistake #2 Thinking It’s About Diets and Exercise

Similar to thinking it’s about losing weight, you think it’s about weight loss diets and exercise. Diets and exercise play an important role, but it is not the most crucial role. If your motivation is to lose weight, then diets and exercise are actions that support ‘losing weight’. You may follow a diet strictly and go to the gym. You man even get a personal trainer. You lose the weight. But sometime later you find the weight back on your body in all those unwanted areas. If you are a normal human being, you would feel disappointed and defeated.

Can you relate to this?

If you lose weight and put it back on again, you would feel disillusioned. You may feel it’s almost not worth trying again. All that exercising and all the special dieting seem to just go down the drain. You either deny yourself the food you love or you eat it and then feel guilty. Worse still, you just give up altogether and eat whatever you like and don’t bother to exercise. And you put up with your excess weight and possibly some health problems too.

The strong negative feelings are then stored in your subconscious mind. The mind makes a negative association with diets and exercise. In turn it will help you produce another round of negative results. The formula in your subconscious mind looks like this:

##Lose Weight = Diets and Exercises = Weight Loss and Put It Back On Again##

Can you see how you are fighting a losing battle?! Can you see how you must change this pattern of behaviour?!

Mistake #3 Thinking It’s About What You Do

If you think it’s only about what you do, then you can’t possibly create lasting change. The doing may temporarily help you lose weight, but you put it back on again.

It’s not about the doing if you wish to create fundamental changes. All lasting changes begin with consciousness change. Without consciousness change, you would be working with the old set of values and beliefs that give you the same results.

It is more about being if you wish to lose weight and keep it off.

Infinite Health and Youth Power

You have the power within you to gain a healthy weight and keep it that way. Your mind can be moulded to help you regulate your weight. In fact, you have unlimited mental power to achieve more than a trim body. That power, which is available to you and me, enables you to reverse the aging process. You can enjoy radiant health and lasting youth. A trim figure is just a by-product.

When you think it’s about losing weight, life challenges you towards something infinitely better. Life wants you to have the best. Life wants you to take your eyes off your weight and enjoy radiant health and lasting youth. When you have something as exciting as radiant health and lasting youth, why would you want to worry about losing weight?!

If you can vaguely grasp this concept of infinite health and youth power, you would want to feel so grateful. And what awaits you will be beautiful and magnificent beyond your imagination.

What Are the Three Things You Must Do

The three things you must do are being related. They involve the mind. They involve both the conscious and subconscious mind. They connect you with the infinite power of health and lasting youth. They put you on the path of radiant health and lasting youth as well as helping you trim down and keep it that way.

Must-do #1 Change your consciousness

First, you will achieve lasting results if you put your energy into changing your consciousness, values and beliefs before you put effort into dieting and exercising. You will ‘lose weight’ and keep it off if you cement new values and beliefs in your consciousness. This will require a specific process to be gone through.

It takes time. You may find you’ll go through a few stages: changing consciousness, resistance, subconscious re-adjustment, healing, cementing new consciousness, new beliefs, a new relationship with food, a sustainable exercise routine, trimming down, staying trim and health. It is worth taking the time to get lasting results.

You may need professional support for this process. For example, during the stage of subconscious re-adjustment, old beliefs and excuses will come up. If you have support, you will know how to get through this stage to move to the next stage of seeing results.

Must-do #2 Heal

Second, honour health and heal. Health naturally includes a healthy weight. The process of ‘losing weight’ is a process of healing as well. As you heal, you gain heal-th.

The process of healing is an internal, mind process. Your desire to have radiant health will trigger the emotional healing process. One by one, emotional issues will surface. You will recognise them, make peace with them and feel relief. Each time this happens, you purify your mind and body. You will become lighter and lighter. You will enjoy abundant health, energy and a sustainable healthy weight.

Must-do #3 Visualise lasting results

Third, seeing the outcome and lasting change in your mind plays an important role. Your time and energy should be given to the vision of a healthy and trim you. This is a way of cementing a healthy vision in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is your loyal servant.

When this infinite power is sufficiently activated, you will just know what action to take. You will find yourself unstoppable with your actions, whether it’s exercising or eating right.

Moving Forward

If you have made one or more of the above three mistakes, it doesn’t matter. What matters is whether you are prepared to do something different. You’ve probably heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expect a different result. If you are like me, you would be among the majority who’ve been insane at some stage with one thing or another! It is a good thing to acknowledge and accept it.

With that lies the opportunity for a new, improved way of thinking and taking your life to the next level. Think health and lasting youth. Love and appreciate your body. Enjoy lasting health, youth and a trim figure.

Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)
p.s. For your health, beauty and youth, visit.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to Unlock the Secret of the Power of Fountain of Youth – Top 10 Tips to Help You Look 10 Years Younger Naturally

Copyright 2010, Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)

Fountain of Youth Power is infinite. It is the power that allows you to reverse the ageing process to look 10 years younger naturally. In addition, it allows you to enjoy vitality on the emotional, mental, sexual and spiritual levels.

If you look less attractive than you did 10 years ago, or if you feel less confident about your looks, health or vitality, then you are likely to benefit from the 10 rejuvenation techniques we share with you in this article.

The majority of us begin to age at a good steady rate from the age of 35 or 40 onwards. Our youth hormones begin to diminish noticeably around the mid 30s. Other factors like lifestyle, stress and negative emotions can quicken the ageing process. Signs of ageing will appear: wrinkles, looking older, health problems, lack of sex drive, lack of passion, weight gain, just to name some of the common signs.

These problems can be avoided if deliberate rejuvenation work is done. Take women between the ages of 45 to 50 for example, these can be their prime years. Instead of experiencing pre-menopausal symptoms, they can peak in health and libido year after year and look youthful, sexy and attractive.

Age reversing power is like having the Fountain of Youth in your own backyard. It is your thinking power. You and I have access to it. We access it through thought. If you know how to use it in a systematical manner and enjoy its enormous benefits, then you will feel you have discovered a big secret that enhances your life in dazzling ways. If you don’t use it, it’s simply wasted. No-one can do it for you.

Below we offer you 10 effective tips to help you unlock the secret of the Powr of Fountain of Youth. They are essential tools you need to nurture and express the youth and beauty you have within you.

Tip 1: Feed your consciousness Infinite Youth intelligence. Nurture your consciousness with thoughts of youth and beauty.

Tip 2: Understand that our rejuvenation power is innate and its value depends on use and practice.

Tip 3: Understand the power of affirmations. What you affirm on a consistent basis can transfer into the sub-conscious mind and eventually become a reality in your life.

Tip 4: Understand the nature of cell renewal and communicate the right information to your cells. Every 11 months your cells are renewed. Your cells have intelligence and you communicate with them consciously and unconsciously with words, thoughts and feelings.

Tip 5: Meditate. Meditation is an inward process that calms the mind and releases stress. This process is essential especially for people over the age of forty or with a stressful lifestyle. Learn a technique or follow a guided meditation.

Tip 6: Anchor youth, health and rejuvenation in your mind with objects, colours or images of your favourite food.

Tip 7: Take responsibility of your spoken words. Be mindful to speak words that express the youth and health that you desire.

Tip 8: Have daily youth affirmations. Design your own or use these, ‘I am divinely youthful.’, 'I am healthy and vibrant, ‘I love feeling wonderful and looking youthful.’

Tip 9: Create a healthy and exciting sex life. It helps with rejuvenation.

Tip 10: Be consistent with the above nine tips. Make them your own by practising them. Fountain of Youth is your mind power.
If you wish to learn more about your personal Fountain of Youth power, send an email to Jennifer,

To your lasting youth and health,
Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)
p.s. We offer personal coaching to help you tap into your mind power to reverse ageing, stay healthy and beauty. Visit now.
p.p.s. You can read the book 'The Magic of 3 Minutes Beauty Qi'. Visit now.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What is the Fountain of Youth

What is the Fountain of Youth?
Copyright 2010, Jennifer Jianjun Wang

The Fountain of Youth is a mystery for many people. Here you can discover what it is.

The Fountain of Youth is the power that can regenerate and rejuvenate you so you feel ageless and look youthful and attractive. If you look for it outside of you, then you probably won't find it. Being a power, it is within you. It is your thinking power.

You can tap into it if you have the right knowledge and techniques.

You just need to know how to unlock the secret of this mysterious 'fountain', to bring it to the outside so you can enjoy the enormous health, spiritual, sexual and emotional benefits, in addition to looking youthful.
It is our intention that this begins to inspire you to want to discover more about the power. You may even develop a strong desire to commit to learning as much as you can about the system that is Fountain of Youth.

If you feel a sense of curiosity, excitement or wonderment as I did over 10 years ago when I first began my quest, then something has resonated with you. And this is an exciting thing.

The Fountain of Youth is found in the power of the mind. It is your thinking power. Awareness of this is a necessary step towards awakening the power.

To your long lasting youth, health and beauty,
Jennifer Jianjun Wang
p.s. To stay young, healthy and beautiful, get help. Visit now.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Infinite Youth Power-- Three (3) Things You Can Do Now To Look 10 Years Younger

By Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)

Ageing faster than you should?
Tired of looking older than your age?
Showing signs of aging?
Lacking energy, sex drive or zest for life?
Losing confidence about how you look or function?

Well, the truth is that you don't have to suffer from any of this.

Would you be happy if you could feel, look and function 10 years younger than your age? And naturally, without surgery or Botox?

Read to the end and find out how to enter for a 3-session coaching prize with Jennifer, valued at $795.

We are talking about deliberate youth.
We are talking about tapping into the power of infinite youth.
We are talking about a way of life that's called Youthful Living.

You can begin the process now by doing three things.

1. Having infinite youth thoughts
Thoughts have creative power, whether they are conscious or unconscious.
Some thoughts reflect ageing. Some thoughts reflect infinite youth.
The first step to creating deliberate youth is having deliberate youth thoughts.

What are infinite youth thoughts?
The following serves as an example.

You are divinely youthful. You can live youthfully.
You can slow down the aging process.
You can look years younger than your age.
You can have abundant energy.
You can enjoy an exciting life whether it's personal, family, professional, or sexual.
You can feel confident about how you look because you can feel more attractive now than ever.

2. Having awareness of infinite youth
You have a choice. Either you age faster than necessary, or you slow down the ageing process, naturally, and get the most out of life. If you are above the age of 35, chances are that your natural youth hormones have begun to diminish. So you probably show signs of ageing, whether its your skin, your hair, your personality, health problems, putting on weight, lacking sex drive or lacking zest for life. This is automatic ageing.

But you can reverse this ageing process. You can choose to look, feel and function 10 years younger than your age.

Awareness of the infinite youth within is an important step.
Having this awareness helps to stimulate desires, even if you don't know how to tap into this infinite youth. Desire and awareness will open doors for you.

3. Holding youth possibilities in your consciousness
A great gift you can give to youself now is to hold those youth possibilities in your consciousness.
If you are open to allow the possibilities, your mind will gear towards the possibilities.

So can you work out a way to hold youth possibilities in your thoughts and consciousness?

Thoughts have power. Consistent thoughts will form patterns in your consciousness. Patterns of thoughts tend to create themselves.

Here you are, the simple three things you can do to begin your deliberate youth.

To enter for the 3-session coaching valued at $795, please email Jennifer and tell her in a few sentences why you'd like to have the coaching. Email to enter:

I also invite you to explore the range of help you can get. Visit now.
To your infinite youth,