Sunday, December 18, 2011

Inner Beauty

Inner beauty is a serene knowing that you are beautiful. It does not depend on how you look. It is a feeling that goes beyond a belief. It is the self returning to the self.

You can’t control how other people perceive you, but you can master how you feel about yourself. You can’t control how attractive other people look, but you can master how you feel about looking beautiful. You can’t control how society classifies what is attractive, but you can master how you feel by deciding to be beautiful now.

It is within your mind control to create the beautiful looks you desire and deserve. This is realising your inner beauty potential.

I invite you to explore a range of help you can get. Visit now.
Jennifer Jianjun Wang

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Magic 3-minute Anti-ageing Thought Techniques to Prolong Youth Naturally

Copyright © 2011, Jennifer Jianjun Wang

If you show signs of aging, lack confidence about how you look or prefer to look youthful naturally at any age, then you would benefit from discovering magic 3-minute anti-ageing thought techniques.

These techniques exist. They are like having a fountain of youth in your own backyard once you learn them. They are formulated to enable you to tap into your inner anti-ageing power. Here you will discover the benefits of this power, specifically what the magic 3-minute anti-ageing thought techniques are, and what age is the right age to begin to use them. You will find that you can use these thought techniques anywhere you are, whether you are at home preparing for a meal, out shopping or somewhere on holiday.

Because these techniques are only made known to the world for the first time, you may have questions. Here we answer some common ones.

What are the benefits of ‘inner anti-ageing power’?

This is a great question because you want to know what you can get out of it.
I’ll see if I can list 5 or more without blinking my eyes! Here we go.
Looking youthful naturally;

Having a youthful-looking body as well as a youthful-looking face;
Feeling happy, content and beautiful on the inside;
Feeling confident and empowered;
Improved immunity;
Taking charge of ageing;
Having passion for life;
Feeling fabulous and looking wonderful at any age;
Experiencing a sense of personal fulfilment;
Taking your health and vitality to the next level;
Harnessing the forces of love, youth and beauty.
Realising your lasting youth potential...

Is that 5 or more? Did I manage to do it without blinking? Yes, but only just!

If there is one thing to add, then it is that the power is yours to exercise. It is yours forever once you learn how to use it. You don’t need to feel you have to look old or turn to injections or what have you in order to look youthful.

What are some examples of the magic 3-minute anti-ageing thought techniques?

This is a fair question. I call those techniques JJ’s Magic 3-minutes Anti-ageing Thought Techniques. This is because a) those techniques are the only techniques that take 3 minutes of your thought time and yet they have powerful effects to reverse ageing; and b) they have been created by JJ (Jennifer Jianjun, ie. me :-)).
So specifically what are they? I’ll list 10 of them here.

JJ’s Magic 3-minutes Anti-ageing Thought Techniques:
Lasting Youth & Beauty Mantras
Lasting Youth & Beauty Affirmations
Lasting Youth Power
Lasting Youth Poise
Lasting Youth Posture
Lasting Youth Anchors
Inner Beauty
Beauty Face Anchor
Elegance Anchor

Here are your 10 techniques. You can choose the ones that appeal to you. There are 10 more that I won't list here. Basically, depending on your needs, you can choose a combination of techniques to help you feel great and look wonderful at any age.
If you like the sound of these techniques, then it is a very good thing. Your mind is attracted to them. Your mind is curious. Your mind can somehow get you the results.

How many of those techniques do I need to learn to reverse ageing and look youthful at any age?

Again, this is another fair question. The simple answer is that it depends on your personal situation, how strong your desire is to prolong youth, and what issues you need to resolve in your subconscious mind. As a rule, 5 or 7 will be enough, but if you wish to flood your consciousness with lasting youth and beauty, you can choose to learn most or all of them.

When and where can I use the techniques?

Because they only take 2 or 3 minutes, you can use them wherever and whenever you want. That’s the beauty of it. You can use them whether you are at home, at work or somewhere on holiday. You can use them while cooking, walking from one room to the other, or brushing your teeth. You can use them while you are out shopping, chatting to a friend or catching the public transport. You can use them at work as a de-stressing technique. You can use them in bed going to sleep. You can use them upon awaking as a quick energizer.

Are these techniques difficult to learn?

No they are not. In fact they are easy to learn when you are coached. As a certified life coach, I am well skilled in coaching techniques that facilitate effective learning. I will coach you step-by-step so each technique can become your own.

What age should I be to begin the journey of inner anti-ageing?

When you feel attracted to the idea of ‘looking youthful and feeling fabulous at any age’, or if you really like the sound and feel of the benefits, then this is the right age for you to begin your personal inner anti-ageing journey.

To sum up, you have been introduced to the basics of JJ's magic 3-minute anti-ageing thought techniques. You have been given a glimpse of the fun and power within you to take charge of your aging. This is a good starting point. For some this may even be the beginning of your personal journey of lasting youth.

What should I do now if I wish to learn about the techniques?

If you like the sound and feel of the benefits, then get excited and get in touch with me. I can meet with you and find out your specific needs and design a coaching program for you.

To your lasting youth,
Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)
p.s. Get your 55 min. "Unleash Your Inner Anti Ageing Power" Coaching Session 1-on-1 with Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD).
p.p.s. Read below to see the benefits of your session.
In this powerful session you will be able to:
• Have written positive outcomes of realising your lasting youth potential.
• Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your natural youthful looks.
• Develop a 3-stage action plan.
• Have a renewed sense of confidence to tap into inner power that will be yours for life.
• Discover magic 3-minute anti-ageing thought techniques.
• Leave this session with renewed energy and motivation to take charge of your ageing and to feel great, look youthful at any age.

For more information visit.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Inner Anti Ageing Power: Three Secrets You Need to Know to Prolong Youth Naturally

If you look older than you did 10 years ago, or if you don’t like the idea of using Botox or plastic surgery treatments, then you are likely to benefit from your innate rejuvenation power. This is your inner anti ageing power. In this article you will discover three secrets that help you look more youthful and beautiful naturally.

You and I have inner anti ageing power. This power rejuvenates us inside and out. Just spend a few minutes of your thought time each day, whether you are at home, at work or at the supermarket checkout. You can expect to stay away from Botox or plastic surgery treatments but to still look youthful and enjoy vitality.

Below are three secrets to help you tap into your inner anti ageing power.

Secret 1, Have a desire to look youthful and beautiful naturally

You must desire to look youthful and beautiful naturally. This honours the self rejuvenation power you have within you. This power is a gift to us. Its value depends on use and practice. No-one can do it for you except you yourself. Turning to Botox or surgery may give you a lift on the outer, but the opportunity to use your innate rejuvenation power is wasted. You easily become lazy with the mind and you fail to realise its lasting youth potential.

It is therefore important to have a strong desire to stay youthful and beautiful naturally and turn your attention to the power within. This power is your thought power.

Secret 2, Have daily ‘Youth and Beauty Mantras’

Mantras are thoughts. Thoughts have power. Have daily ‘Youth and Beauty mantras. Though short, they help shape your beliefs and create reality.

Many people have daily ‘ugly’ or ‘fat’ mantras without being aware. This is because they have conditioned themselves to think in a certain way. For example, every time you think to yourself, ‘oh no, I look old’, or ‘Gee, I look fat’, they are negative mantras that reinforce your belief about yourself.

It is essential you create positive youth and beauty mantras to replace the negative ones. Your mantras can become patterns of beliefs in your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind tends to seek evidence to support its beliefs. In time, your positive mantras will begin to create the reality of lasting youth and beauty for you.

Your mantras should be short and reflect deliberate youth and beauty.

Here are some examples:

‘I am divinely beautiful and youthful.’
‘Every cell in my body is filled with light. I give thanks for my beautiful and youthful looks.’
‘I am beautiful inside and out.’
‘I am Youth and Beauty.’
‘I am Love.’

These mantras connect you to your inner anti ageing power. You can choose one or two that resonates with you and use them daily.

Secret 3, Feel your mantras as you say them daily.

Thoughts have creative power. Thoughts with feelings have tremendous creative power. They communicate to the cells in your body. Your cells have intelligence that helps shape your organs, skin and body.

It is important that you say your mantras as if they were already true. Feel the happiness and joy as you say them. Do this a few times a day for a couple of minutes each time.

Above are three secrets that help you tap into your inner anti ageing power. They are simple and effective tools that you can incorporate in your daily life. You can use them no matter how busy you are, whether you are at home, at work or at the supermarket checkout. In time you can expect look youthful and feel attractive.

To your lasting youth and beauty,
Jennifer Jianjun Wang
p.s. Get your 55 min. "Unleash Your Inner Anti Ageing Power" Coaching Session 1-on-1 with Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD).
p.p.s. Read below to see the benefits of your session.

In this powerful session you will be able to:
• Have written positive outcomes of realising your lasting youth potential.
• Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your natural youthful looks.
• Develop a 3-stage action plan.
• Have a renewed sense of confidence to tap into inner power that will be yours for life.
• Discover magic 3-minute anti-ageing thought techniques.
• Leave this session with renewed energy and motivation to take charge of your ageing and to feel great, look youthful at any age.

For more information visit. Ring Jennifer on 0439 981 288. Begin today to reverse your ageing process from WithiN.