Monday, March 5, 2012

Three Secrets of Beauty Qi™: How to Redefine Beauty and Look Your Best!

Beauty is something we all desire and deserve. It is not a gift for the chosen few. Beauty Qi is true beauty power. Knowing the secrets gives you the power to feel and look beautiful. 

A big problem is that, many of us do not feel beautiful because we do not fit into society’s stereotypes of beauty. We would like to believe we are beautiful, but we do not know how. Another big problem is that many of us feel inadequate, insecure or self-conscious about our looks. We may try a great deal to look good, but we do not think or believe we are beautiful. Some of us lose hope all together and give up on our beauty. 

Beauty is your call. In this article you are shown three secrets of beauty qi and how to use them to redefine beauty so you can have inner beauty glow and outer enhanced appearance. Qi is a Chinese word, pronounced ‘chi’. It means vibration. 

My Story

I am one of those people who were born less beautiful than their siblings. As a child I was teased about my looks. I was reminded often that I looked different to my two sisters who were considered beautiful by Chinese standards. So without realizing it, I made up a belief that I was not pretty therefore I wasn’t meant to feel beautiful. I accepted it and felt resigned that I was born that way. So for the first 48 years of my life I never knew what it felt like to feel genuinely beautiful. 

But things are now different for me. 

I now know how good it feels to feel beautiful. I know how good it feels to look better than I did in my 30s and 40s. I know how fantastic it sounds every time I am told I look prettier than before by someone who has not seen me for a while. I know I have done something right to rid the bags under my eyes without surgery, defying a family hereditary trend. I know how fulfilling it is to change the dull complexion I was born with to skin that is brighter and often radiant. I know how gorgeous it feels to have the kind of skin I always hoped to have, but did not, in my 20s, 30s and 40s. In addition to looking more attractive than I used to, I am experiencing an unprecedented level of health and vitality. 

All this is my reality at the age of 50. 

All the changes are possible because I have discovered the magic of Beauty Qi. I have changed my beliefs about beauty. I have come to see that beauty is qi. 

 “All life is vibration.”
Florence Scovel Shinn 

Secret 1: Beauty Qi  is consciousness. This conscious belief about beauty gives you power. Life is consciousness. So is beauty. You can expand beauty consciousness for it to ground the body in beauty and makes your beauty qi strong. 

You consciously or unconsciously program your mind about beauty. Whatever you believe about your looks, it is a form of qi. If you regard yourself as average-looking, then that is your belief and that belief is in your consciousness that forms your average-looking qi. If you regard yourself as possessing strong beauty qi, then that is also your belief and that belief is a state of consciousness that helps to shape your physical appearance. 

Secret 2: Beauty Qi is vibration. Energy and frequency of words and thoughts create beauty vibratory power. Your ability to vibrate to beauty gives you beauty qi. 

How do you vibrate to beauty? You do so by feeling beautiful or imagining yourself beautiful. You can also do so by making affirmations. ‘I appreciate beauty. I love feeling beautiful. I am beautiful.’ 

Beauty qi cultivation is consciously creating feelings on the inside and formation on the outside. When you vibrate to beauty, your beauty qi becomes strong. This in turn molds your face and body towards beauty. So feel beautiful by imagining you are beautiful. 

Secret 3: Beauty Qi is habit power.  Beauty is what we do repeatedly. Successful people have success habits. Beauty is no different. It is within your power to choose to establish beauty habits like believing beauty is qi, saying beauty affirmations, then you do beauty consciousness and vibration as a habit, you cultivate beauty qi. 

Science tells us that our cells have intelligence and respond to information intelligently. It also tells us that our cells are renewed every 11 months. So keep up your beauty qi habits for 11 months. 

~    ~ ~  ~  ~ 

When you redefine beauty according to the three secrets of Beauty Qi™, you take charge of beauty. You can feel beautiful and authentic on the inside and look beautiful and natural on the outside. This is your true beauty. It is your birthright. 

Your friend in light and beauty, 

Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)

Copyright © 2012, JenniferWang38, Jennifer Jianjun Wang

p.s You can read more about 'The Magic of 3 Minutes Beauty Qi' and learn techniques. Explore options here.
p.p.s ‘The Magic of 3 Minutes Beauty Qi. Ebook is available for you to learn the techniques.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Magic of 3 Minutes Beauty Qi
How to Cultivate Beauty From Within to Enhance Outer Appearance
      World's first ebook on 3 minutes beauty qi techniques -- released today in Australia!
From the World Pioneer of ‘3 Minutes Beauty Qi’ & '3 Minutes Anti-stress Techniques', Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)…
Now You Can Use Your Mind To Have Inner and Outer Beauty… Even If You’re Losing Hope About Your Looks!

I’ll take you by the hand and show you exactly how to cultivate your beauty qi  to transform your beauty and sustain it…
Welcome to the Magic of Inner Beauty
Hi, my name is Jennifer Jianjun Wang. You are about to learn secrets that most people will never know about the magic power of inner beauty.

I am one of those people who were born less beautiful than their siblings. As a child I was teased about my looks. So for the first 48 years of my life I never knew what it felt like to feel beautiful.

But things are differentfor me now.

I now know how good it feels to feel beautiful. I know how good it feels to look better than I did in my 30s and 40s. I know how fantastic it sounds every time I am told I look prettier than before by someone who has not seen me for a while. I know I have done something right to rid the bags under my eyes without surgery, defying a family hereditary trend. I know how fulfilling it is to change the dull complexion I was born with to skin that is lighter, brighter and often radiant. I know how gorgeous it feels to have the kind of skin I always hoped to have, but did not, in my 20s, 30s and 40s.

In addition to looking more attractive than I used to, I am experiencing an unprecedented level of health and vitality.

All this is my reality at the age of 50.

All this is possible because I have discovered the magic of inner beauty and beauty qi.

Beauty is something we all desire and deserve. It is not a gift for the chosen few. Inner beauty is true beauty power. It does not mean you have to be selfless or super nice to have it. Neither does it mean you have to fit into stereotypes of beauty to feel beautiful.

I am going to reveal to you secret beauty qi formulas that only take three minutes of your thought time.
· The three principles of inner beauty, what they are and why.
· Learn how to use your mind to beautify and rejuvenate your skin.
· Discover the secret of the ageless wisdom of qi and how to cultivate beauty qi.
· Learn effective 3-minute beauty qi mind techniques that you can use whether lying in bed, cooking, watching TV, at work, out shopping or walking etc.
· Master the ‘beauty buttons’ inside your brain so you don’t push the ‘self-conscious buttons’ any more.
· How to look more beautiful in 28 days with the right mind techniques.
· Learn the ‘3 Rules of Beauty’ so you are not your own beauty victim any more.
· 2 things you think or say that make you look less attractive and how to turn them into a positive.
· 1 tip to follow to have long lasting beauty.
· Follow 3 steps to cultivate elegance, confidence, kindness, grace, sexiness, etc.
· And much more…
Order now.
Your friend in light and beauty,
Jennifer Jianjun Wang
p.s. This ebook is now available in Australia
p.p.s Email your interest to
Copyright © 2012, JenniferWang38, Jennifer Jianjun Wang. All rights reserved.