Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Infinite Youth Power-- Three (3) Things You Can Do Now To Look 10 Years Younger

By Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)

Ageing faster than you should?
Tired of looking older than your age?
Showing signs of aging?
Lacking energy, sex drive or zest for life?
Losing confidence about how you look or function?

Well, the truth is that you don't have to suffer from any of this.

Would you be happy if you could feel, look and function 10 years younger than your age? And naturally, without surgery or Botox?

Read to the end and find out how to enter for a 3-session coaching prize with Jennifer, valued at $795.

We are talking about deliberate youth.
We are talking about tapping into the power of infinite youth.
We are talking about a way of life that's called Youthful Living.

You can begin the process now by doing three things.

1. Having infinite youth thoughts
Thoughts have creative power, whether they are conscious or unconscious.
Some thoughts reflect ageing. Some thoughts reflect infinite youth.
The first step to creating deliberate youth is having deliberate youth thoughts.

What are infinite youth thoughts?
The following serves as an example.

You are divinely youthful. You can live youthfully.
You can slow down the aging process.
You can look years younger than your age.
You can have abundant energy.
You can enjoy an exciting life whether it's personal, family, professional, or sexual.
You can feel confident about how you look because you can feel more attractive now than ever.

2. Having awareness of infinite youth
You have a choice. Either you age faster than necessary, or you slow down the ageing process, naturally, and get the most out of life. If you are above the age of 35, chances are that your natural youth hormones have begun to diminish. So you probably show signs of ageing, whether its your skin, your hair, your personality, health problems, putting on weight, lacking sex drive or lacking zest for life. This is automatic ageing.

But you can reverse this ageing process. You can choose to look, feel and function 10 years younger than your age.

Awareness of the infinite youth within is an important step.
Having this awareness helps to stimulate desires, even if you don't know how to tap into this infinite youth. Desire and awareness will open doors for you.

3. Holding youth possibilities in your consciousness
A great gift you can give to youself now is to hold those youth possibilities in your consciousness.
If you are open to allow the possibilities, your mind will gear towards the possibilities.

So can you work out a way to hold youth possibilities in your thoughts and consciousness?

Thoughts have power. Consistent thoughts will form patterns in your consciousness. Patterns of thoughts tend to create themselves.

Here you are, the simple three things you can do to begin your deliberate youth.

To enter for the 3-session coaching valued at $795, please email Jennifer and tell her in a few sentences why you'd like to have the coaching. Email to enter: Jennifer@jw38coaching.com.au

I also invite you to explore the range of help you can get. Visit now. www.beautyqi.com
To your infinite youth,